Let the Gluten Free experiment begin…

Me? The queen of gluten going gluten-free?


For a little while…

Why? For years my youngest son has been treated for asthma. Never once in all these years and all those doctors did anyone every suggest changing his diet. They tried different inhalers and medications. Then today I found out a friend of ours used to have terrible asthma and it all went away when she went gluten-free, which she did for other reasons, not being allergic to wheat. So I figure, why not try it? Lets give it a month. Hubby is all for it. He is always having digestive problems as has our son. (okay, I have a constitution of iron, what can I say.)

So since tomorrow is our shopping day, we will let the great GF experiment begin and see if we get any results. It can’t hurt. And since we eat mostly homemade foods anyway, the transition should be easier than most.

Yes, it will be hard giving up biscuits and muffins for a while. Who knows, it might not make a difference. But it is worth looking into.

I will keep you posted…